PUMPS: How to Remove Air Bubbles from Your DDC Pump System?

Air bubbles in your DDC pump system can cause disruptive noise and affect performance. Here are some suggestions to help you effectively remove air bubbles from your system:

Fill the Reservoir Completely
Ensure that the reservoir is filled with liquid to the brim to minimize the presence of air bubbles.

Run the Pump Continuously
Operate the pump for a minimum of 2 hours, intermittently cycling the power on and off to help release trapped air bubbles.

Gently Move the Reservoir
While the pump is running, gently shift the reservoir to aid in the removal of any lingering air bubbles.

Repeat as Necessary
If air bubbles persist, repeat the process until all bubbles are eliminated, regardless of their size.

Shake the Reservoir
Turn the reservoir upside down and shake it (with the pump turned off) to assist in releasing any remaining air bubbles.

Check for Escaping Bubbles
Inspect the area around the pump closely for any small bubbles emerging as you shake the reservoir.

Adjust Pump Screws
If noise persists, try slightly loosening one of the 4 screws on the pump while it's running to observe any changes in noise levels.

Reinstall the Pump
If needed, stop the pump, remove all 4 screws, and reinstall the pump by tightening each screw 80% of the way in a diagonal pattern for even fastening.

By following these steps diligently, you can effectively remove air bubbles from your DDC pump system and restore its optimal performance.

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